Linux Basics and System Administrator Course Topics

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Linux
  • Basics of Operating System
  • What is Linux
  • Linux Distributions
  • Installation of Linux
Chapter 2 : Basics of Linux
  • Linux File Structure
  • What is Shell
  • Basic Linux Commands
  • File and Directory manipulations
  • Find and grep
  • Shell prompt customization
  • Shell alias
  • File globbing
  • I/O redirection
  • Pipes
  • Comparing files
  • Command history
  • Man pages
  • Environment variables
  • Common filter commands
  • File Permissions
  • Editing files using Vi Editor
  • Process control
  • Su and sudo access control
Chapter 3 : User and Group Management
  • User Management
  • Group management
Chapter 4 : Boot Process
  • Bootstrap process
  • GRUB
  • Rebooting and Shutdown
  • Working with startup scripts
  • Syslog and log files
Chapter 5 : Software Package Management
  • Using Kickstart for RHEL
  • RPM and yum
  • DEB and apt-get
Chapter 6 : Storage Management
  • Disk Storage basics
  • Disk Partitioning
  • Mounting concepts
  • RAID
  • LVM
Chapter 7 : Backup and Recovery
  • Backup strategies and Backup Media
Chapter 8 : Kernel Management
  • Linux Kernel
  • Library management


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